Frequently Asked Questions

We are committed to ensuring our patients are comfortable and well-informed. If you don’t see what you are looking for here, please feel free to call us directly at 613-422-6555.

We accept all major credit cards and debit cards. Payment is due at the time services are completed. For pre payment and deposit only, River Dental accepts e-transfers to Please make the password: riverdental.

We will immediately send the claim electronically so you can receive your reimbursement as soon as possible.

We will gladly provide the secondary dental claim form for you. Once you receive the explanation of benefits from the primary insurer, you will need to mail it along with the second insurance form to get the portion not covered by your primary insurer refunded to you. Alternatively, you can submit the secondary portion online using the dental codes provided on the secondary claim form. If you require further assistance, please ask our front desk staff – they would be happy to help!

We will always do our best to provide you with prices and estimates. You are responsible for knowing what your dental insurance covers. If you are not sure, we will do our best to help you.

We understand that schedules change and unforeseen circumstances arise, but we ask that you provide us with 48hrs notice if you must cancel or reschedule your dental appointment.  A fee may be charged if no notice or reason is provided for a missed appointment.

After a dental filling: You can expect to be numb for an hour or so after a filling. You may experience some soreness in the area of injection. It is recommended that you do not chew until the numbing has worn off to avoid biting yourself. It is normal to experience some sensitivity to hot and cold food on the area we’ve worked on, as long as those symptoms are getting better with time. If you feel pain or discomfort when you chew on the recently restored tooth, it could just mean that you need a slight adjustment. Call the office, it only takes a few minutes.

After a teeth cleaning: You can expect some sensitivity to hot and cold after a deep cleaning. When we remove calculus and restore your gums back to health, often more root is showing which can lead to temporary sensitivity. We recommend using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. The situation will get better with time.

After a dental extraction: You can expect to be numb for a few hours after an extraction. Bleeding, some swelling and discomfort are normal. The doctor will review with you what to expect after your dental procedure and prescribe medication if necessary. If you are unsure about a symptom you have, call our office.

After a root canal: You can expect some temporary discomfort and sensitivity to chewing. It is important to follow the instructions given to you after the root canal. The standard care for a root canal tooth is a crown. The root canal is non-vital and can become brittle and break easily if not protected.

After a crown preparation: You can expect your jaw to be tired. A crown takes some time and you will be required to keep your mouth open for a longer period of time. A temporary crown will be cemented with temporary cement. That crown will have the same shape as your original tooth. The shade might not be exact right away, but this will be all corrected with the permanent crown. When flossing, pull the floss out from the side rather than down to avoid the temporary crown coming off. Avoid bubble gum and sticky food sas this may loosen your temporary crown. If it comes off before your scheduled appointment and you do not have pain other than a little sensitivity to cold, you can leave it as is ensuring that you are careful when eating on that tooth. If you are unsure, please call us.

After a new denture/partial: You can expect some areas to be tender. It is important to continue to wear it and come back for adjustments. Sometimes, you might feel instability when you eat and that will most likely require an adjustment to the occlusion. We expect to see you for adjustments, as on average every new denture/partial requires 3 adjustments.

After orthodontic appliance insertion: You can expect some excessive saliva for the first few days; your tongue will get used to it. Speaking might also be a little challenging, you can practice reading out loud and correcting yourself. Eating might also be a bit challenging in the beginning, so we suggest you cut your food in small bites. Within a few days, you will become a pro and feel very comfortable with your new appliance. Remember to wear it all the time!

Our practice strives to provide the best possible care & experience to our patients with the help of state-of-the-art equipment and an office environment that is both calming & environmentally conscious.  As such, our fees are slightly above the current ODA suggested Fee Guide.